
Elanders is a global supplier of integrated solutions in the areas of supply chain management, print & packaging and e-commerce. The Group operates in more than 15 countries on four continents. Utilizing a consultative approach they develop one-off, tech driven solutions, that solve clients information distribution problems. Below is a collection of materials created to attract new, and educate existing clients. 




This is Elanders

The This is Elanders book was created as a detailed, C-Level, overview of Elanders and their offerings. This project required coordination between both national and international Senior management, sales and production.

Elanders Anything but Ordinary

The Elanders Anything but Ordinary campaign consisted of a series of touch points I was responsible for including, email, printed mailers, custom folders, videos and leave behind calling cards. This custom folder was built to explain the Elanders process and showcase the difference between standard and HD print.




Social Media and eNewsletters

While at Elanders I managed social accounts for the corporation as well as individual sales team members. I also designed, produced, and analyzed our eNewsletter.

Corporate Slide Deck

The corporate slide deck was created for use during introduction client meetings. I worked with our sales staff to create decks that provided information specifically targeted to our prospective clients.

eNewsletter, Proposals, and Research

Proposals and Research

In an effort to more consistently present Elanders in the marketplace I worked on migrating all proposal writing from the sales staff to the marketing department. This resulted in the execution of 15-20 proposals per year becoming my responsibility.